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Harness the Power of Net Metering

Making Solar Energy Economically Viable

At UNIVERSAL SOLAR INC., we are proud to offer the opportunity to benefit from net metering. Net metering is a billing arrangement that revolutionizes how you generate and consume electricity from your solar PV system. By seamlessly connecting your solar panels to the grid, net metering enables you to generate excess electricity and receive credits for the power you contribute back to the grid. 

How Net Metering Works

With our grid-tied PV system, your solar panels become energy generators, producing electricity to power your home or business. When your solar panels generate more electricity than you use, the surplus power is sent back to the grid. This excess electricity is precisely tracked by a bi-directional meter that measures the power flow between your solar panels and the grid. 

The Economic Advantages

Net metering empowers you to reduce your carbon footprint and save on your energy bills. When your solar panels underproduce – for example, during cloudy days or at night – the credits you accumulate can offset the electricity you draw from the grid.  

Embrace Solar Power with Universal Solar Inc

Take full advantage of net metering and unlock the economic viability of solar energy! By choosing UNIVERSAL SOLAR INC. as your partner, you can access our expertise in navigating the net metering systems. We will help you maximize your benefits and guide you through the process of embracing renewable energy systems. 

Join the Solar Revolution

Embrace the sun’s power and harness the benefits of net metering in Sacramento. Lower your energy bills, reduce dependence on traditional energy sources, and contribute to a greener future. Contact UNIVERSAL SOLAR INC. today and let us help you make solar power an innovative and cost-effective choice for your home or business. Experience the financial and environmental advantages of net metering with UNIVERSAL SOLAR INC. – your trusted solar energy partner.